Sunday, April 24, 2011

Grimey - Casted Out

Treacherious bastard! I couldn’t believe what Smythe and I found in those woods where that man was digging the other night. Buried underneath the disturbed patch of dirt was the body of a young woman. The same woman that’s been missing. The same woman that was supposed to have been killed by some new monster. A monster that we can’t find, by the way.

Taking a look at her body we found that the woman had been stabbed. Several knife wounds dotted her upper body. If she were killed by a monster we would fine bite marks, claw marks, or something messy unlike the incision caused by a blade. Monsters don't use blades, people do.

Smythe and I took a trip into Woodlawn Village. People weren’t happy to see us as we were met will suspicious eyes but who cares. A woman was killed by one of her own. We were met by Eli, the village elder who's pretty much the leader of things around here.

“What brings the two of you here, Grimey?” He asked. Even though Woodlawn mostly keeps to itself we're still familiar with each other. Eli was a hunter in his younger days. Nowadays he's a peaceful man whose focus is spent on passing down his knowledge. He also knows these woods better than anybody else.

“We heard about the rumors of a new monster and came to check things out.” I said. Eli cocked his chin back questioningly. I continued before he could speak. “But we found something else you need to see.”

We led Eli to the woman's body. He noticed the same things we did: stab wounds, no bite or claw marks. A murder took place. Back in the village Eli gathered all the people and we pointed out the bastard we saw in the woods the night before. Eli had some trusted people raid his house and found a bloody knife next to a lock of hair that looked a lot like that woman's hair. The digger, knowing that he was cornered, admitted to murder. Said something about she betrayed and broke his heart. Whatever. People shouldn't kill other people. But here we were with somebody who did just that. So now what to do?

Some wanted to kill him. Others wanted to tie him up in the woods and leave him for dead. I’m not much for killin’ people regardless of circumstance and I'm also against giving monsters a free meal. So I suggested he be cast into the wood, exiled from Woodlawn. Eli rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

“Our friend from Quarry has a good idea.” The elder said. “If he is worthy of living the woods will let him. Nature shall decide his fate.” And with that the murderer was sent off.

Me and Smythe were invited to stay the night. We were given a nice little shack in the middle of town equipped with two soft cots. Much better than camping on the ground. Good folk here. Glad they don’t get many real monster attacks. Be a shame to see good people hurt by mindless beasts. Well, except for that murderin’ creep. But Eli is right, he’ll get whatever he deserves out alone in them woods.

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