Saturday, February 19, 2011

Grimey - Trading Some Ore

Met up with Clyde at the trade pavilion on the other side of town. He let his shaggy blonde hair go untied and fall down over his shoulders. He was bartering with another trader when I arrived. I watched Clyde sell the man a pair of traveling boots for a newly polished bow and full quiver of arrows. Clyde told the trader the boots were made from northern leathers where animal hides are thicker and more durable. Them boots will last for quite some time, Clyde told him. Poor lad, never knew he just gave up his bow for Clyde’s old worn out boots.

“Hope ya not givin' away my ore for any other flimsy weapon.” I said shaking Clyde’s hand. Better not have either, I been needing some more metal to make more hatchets.

“Of course not Grimey.” Clyde said, his voice calm. He reached into his bag and pulled out a canvas pack bundled and tied up. He set it down on the table with a loud clank, obviously being full of metal, “there you are fella. Some nice shining steel ready for the anvil. You got what I had asked for?”

Clyde wanted some small polished rocks in all kinds of shapes. Some shaped like castle towers, others shaped like horses, and a couple that looked like staffs wearing a crown. Clyde said they’re for some game played in the east that's gaining popularity in the region.

“Absolutely lad!” I said, “Can't nobody carve and shape a rock like I can, especially the small ones.” I put my small sack of rocks on the table next to the bundled steel. We gave each other a brief nod and picked up our items.

Clyde had no news to share from his last trip, said it was just was all business. Told him that Leo had passed through the other day. Also told him about Scully's run in with the Deadlings and the increasing numbers of banshees in the woods. Clyde got them narrow twitchy eyes he gets when concerned about something. He figured there must be another Kingpin stirring up all the banshees. I must agree with the lad.

Back home now and gonna start me a fire and hammer some more hatchets with that ore. I should get a couple dozen or so before using up all the metal. Can’t wait to throw ‘em at some beasties!

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