Sunday, March 20, 2011

Grimey - Another Kingpin

The banshees are definitely swarming again. I scouted the woods and found their numbers are increasing and now they're perching in the trees near McGrady's farm. Purple things look a little too comfortable like they're watching the town. There's another Kingpin in the woods for sure. That’s the only time they get organized and brave. I’ll need to head into the woods and track down the Kingpin. Once the beast is dead the rest of them banshees will scatter back into the woods in fear. Cowardly things.

You see every now and then a banshee leader is spawned. We call it a Kingpin. They're larger and ferocious. Your average banshee is about half my size. A Kingpin is a little larger than me. I once saw one twice my size. That sucker really got things buzzing. Anyway, the dangerous thing about a Kingpin isn't their size or aggression. They’re intelligent. They coordinate all the other banshees into organized attacks. Farms and livestock are picked at. Small groups of banshees attack one after the other. Things like that. More scary, Kingpins make the banshees brave enough to go after people straight away. Anybody wandering close to forest gets scratched up pretty bad. Banshees don’t scare so easily with Kingpins around either. So you gotta take out the Kingpin. It's the only way to get things under control.

The Kingpin dies as easily as the rest. Just a little intimidating if you’re a softie on account of their size. It's like a giant dark-purple bat that could rip a mans head off. But it's nothing. Just kill the thing before it takes flight. Most hunters have problems finding the Kingpin because it stays deep in the woods while all the banshees swarm and attack. The trick is simple though. Run into the woods and follow the banshees. The banshees protect the Kingpin so there’ll be more and more of them as you near it. Once found, put an axe in the Kingpin’s head. Or an arrow, or knife, or whatever weapon is handy. Hell, throw a rock at it even. Just keep running and don’t miss and you’ll get out without a scratch. It’s when you slow down the problems start. Can't let them banshees get a hold or they're scratch the hell outta ya and won't stop until you stop moving. Gotta keep running and hunt on the move. Good workout, I say.

I met with Clyde after scouting the woods to talk about the hunt. Scully will no doubt want to help. We'll keep him at the edge of the woods to cover McGrady's place. Smythe is out of town. Clyde thought about waiting for him to return in the next couple days. I see no reason to wait. Me and Clyde agreed to hunt down the Kingpin tomorrow. Kill the blasted thing before banshees start attacking town.

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