Sunday, March 6, 2011

Grimey - Boiling Seas and Fiery Skies

The last thing I remember was my eyelids getting heavy and my mind drifting away. When I opened my eyes I was on a white sandy beach. Crystal blue water kissed my feet as the sand gently massaged my ankles. The sky was clear, the sun was bright and warm. Nice place I thought, a paradise for many but I'll take a mountain wood any day.

I looked around and saw nothing on the horizon ahead. Just an endless blue sea. I felt the water at my feet get warmer. Before I could move the sand got thick and clamped down on me. The water got even hotter and started to burn my feet. Something moved on the horizon and I spotted a face peering out of the water. Whatever it was it only rose high enough so its eyes broke the surface. Thing must have been miles out but I could see its eyes. Those green, narrow, and cunning eyes. It glared at me and I could tell it was laughing with a sneer. The water got hotter.

The sky above turned blood red and the sun began to burn with ferocity. Everything was getting hotter. The water begin to boil and and the air became like a furnace. Sweat poured out of me and I glance up to see the sun burst into a red ball of flame. It burned crimson and then opened to reveal a ruby-red eye. At the eye's center was a black, narrow slit. It looked like the kind of eye found on a cat or lizard or something like that, well except that it was red and wreathed in flame. It blinked and looked down at me. Flames shot out from the edge of the sun-eye thing and red rain began to fall from the sky. The rain was even hotter than the water and I felt the burning all over and around me. What the hell is going on, I thought.

There was a tug at my feet, next thing I knew I was swept into the boiling sea. Laughter echoed all around me and I was pulled into the darkness of the deep. The currents whirled violently and shook me every which way. The Laughter was deafening and pounded on my entire body. The world around me grew darker and even hotter. My limbs flailed wildly. I tried to scream but nothing happened. I was helpless and running out of breath.

My eyes shot open with a jolt. My body was covered in a cold sweat, which made things a bit cold. I took a moment to catch my breath and remember where I was. The air was cool, trees whispered in the breeze, and the skies were clear. I'm in the woods outside of Quarry. There's a faint glow on the horizon. Sunrise soon. No point in going back to sleep. What a dream. But I swear it actually felt like the ground had really been shaking.

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