Sunday, January 23, 2011

Grimey - A Deadling Lesson

Went to go check on Scully. He's all right. Ankles are healing up well enough from his run-in with a pack of Deadlings the other day. Young lad tried to do McGrady a favor by going after some monsters on his own but got himself into trouble. Luckily I found him before things got serious. He got away with only a few cuts, nothing too deep. I decided to tell him a little story about them furry bastards.

Ya see, in my younger days my sister and I were going through the woods. We saw a Deadling and it gave Tessy them big 'ole eyes all cute-like. It looked friendly enough so she pet the critter. As soon as she got close it snapped and started scratching at her. It took some fight for me to get the bastard off of her. We both got scratched up pretty good. Good thing it was only the one Deadling. A pack would’ve killed us, we were just kids.

That's when it occurred to me. Them little Deadlings reel you in to attack you. They seem domesticated and if you've never seen one it’s easy to be fooled. They're deceiving things. If one of them gets a hold it's only a few minutes before others come along and join in. And watch out for the grown ones. They're not small and cute no more. They're chest-high on all fours with saggy, shaggy hair and breath rancid enough to melt your eyes. Grown Deadlings don't even try to lure their victims in, they just attack. Luckily the big ones aren't too quick so if you move better than a statue you'll be able to get away, otherwise it's good to have a large and sharp blade. Well, I prefer having a blade regardless but that's beside the point.

The point I was trying to get across to Scully was don't trust anything in the woods. I'm sure after the attack the lesson will stay with him. But I made a mistake. He asked about my sister and if fighting off that Deadling is how I got the scar across my eye. He asked what happened to Tessy because he's never seen her around, ever. I just told Scully, “my sis ain't around no more and the scar is another story. Just be careful in the woods. And don't trust anything out there.”

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