Sunday, January 9, 2011

Grimey - Hunting Parties, Hah!

Finished work at the quarry. Some large stones we cut the other day needed moving so I got to be a mover. Hard work, but at least I got to take a few chunks of marble home. Really good stuff to work with. I even got to kill me a banshee while working on the mountain. Nailed the sucker with a throwing hatchet, which reminds me I’ll need some new hatchets soon.

Went to the pub at the center of town earlier tonight. Nothing better than kicking back a few after a day in the rock. Clyde was there, “ah there’s the Scot!” he said. He's the only lad who uses my real name. Clyde is one of Quarry's hunters and he's a trader. Travels around buying and selling, brings back some interesting things from time to time. I was glad to see him because he’s where I get the metal for my axes. There aren't any metals around our little town here so Clyde brings back ore when he travels. Supplies the blacksmith along with myself. I prefer to hammer out my own weapons instead of using the blacksmith. Clyde said he’d trade me some ore for some of my stonework. Not a problem!

Clyde mentioned some people he met on a recent trading trip that formed a hunting party. Basically they've chosen to dedicate all their time to hunting. I don't know about hunting parties. They leave their towns to go track down whatever beasts they can find in the wild. Not something I'm really interested in. You leave your town and then there's fewer hunters to defend your home. I’d rather watch out for my own home and folk than go wandering hills and woods. Besides, I belong in the mountain rocks. Clyde says the lads in this hunting party think they can actually rid the world of beasts. Hah! Wishful thinking, I say. The monsters always come back…always.

Speaking of, lately the banshees in the nearby woods have been getting more aggressive. They've been attacking more often, trying to take out the cattle like at McGrady's farm the other day. Them flying nuisances been stepping it up because they usually go for farm crops. Whenever they come by I'll kill a few and scare off the rest but they've been coming back every other day now. I'll be keeping an eye on the eastern woods. Hopefully it's only their aggression that has increased, not their numbers.

Late into the night Scully showed up at the pub, Quarry's youngest and newest hunter. Well, hunter in training I should say. He was asking about going on a solo raid in the woods. Advised the lad to think twice about that one. There's more than just Banshees in the woods. Scully hasn't done much more than help out with a few Banshee attacks. An ambitious lad that one, hungry to learn how to take out monsters. He'll be a fine hunter one day just as long as he don't get himself killed first.

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