Monday, May 2, 2011

Leo - Visiting Quarry Pub

Ah Quarry Town, such a quaint place, excellent for unwinding after a long journey. I always visit the White Rock Pub at sunset. Workers from the Quarry, traders, and a few farmers and ranchers flow into the pub at the end of the workday. It becomes a boisterous place and ale flows freely.

The workers come to unwind from their day. They joke, laugh, drink, get a bit rough with each other but everybody is a friend. I’d say everybody in town passes through the pub except for one: Rocky. He owns the largest farm in town. From what I gather his family was fortunate to settle on extremely fertile soil. It grows the best crops in the entire region. Rocky inherited the land and has made a fortune establishing an agriculture trade at the pavilion. He also sells to the townspeople but not many buy from him. The folks at the pub do not care much for Rocky and, therefore, won't buy from him. He’s the only wealthy person in town.

Occasionally some of Rocky's workers come into the pub. They're not liked very much either because they're not from Quarry. Rocky hires workers from outer villages. But when they do get a word in, the workers often complain about the way Rocky runs things. Nobody seems to like the guy but they all wish they enjoyed the same comforts he does.

Anyways, Quarry’s pub is by far the liveliest one I’ve ever been to. It’s also a great place to learn about the local monsters and hunters. Deadlings and Banshees are the usual vermin here. Banshees are fliers that mostly go after crops, livestock, and left out food. They're mostly a nuisance to farmers. I haven’t a clue what a Deadling is.
The main hunters in Quarry are Clyde, Smythe, Grimey, and Scully. Scully is the newest and youngest hunter. Grimey sounds like he’s the most skilled but likes to stay in town. In fact, I'm not sure if he's ever been outside of Quarry. Clyde and Smythe are no slouches in the hunt and will take an occasional job outside of Quarry. Scully doesn’t hunt outside of Quarry because he’s the still learning the skills.

Kane and I are looking to form a hunting party and we've stopped at Quarry to recruit. I want Grimey to join us. Kane thinks we should recruit Clyde because he’ll be more inclined to travel with us. But if Grimey is as good as I suspect, he will be a valuable asset.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Grimey - Casted Out

Treacherious bastard! I couldn’t believe what Smythe and I found in those woods where that man was digging the other night. Buried underneath the disturbed patch of dirt was the body of a young woman. The same woman that’s been missing. The same woman that was supposed to have been killed by some new monster. A monster that we can’t find, by the way.

Taking a look at her body we found that the woman had been stabbed. Several knife wounds dotted her upper body. If she were killed by a monster we would fine bite marks, claw marks, or something messy unlike the incision caused by a blade. Monsters don't use blades, people do.

Smythe and I took a trip into Woodlawn Village. People weren’t happy to see us as we were met will suspicious eyes but who cares. A woman was killed by one of her own. We were met by Eli, the village elder who's pretty much the leader of things around here.

“What brings the two of you here, Grimey?” He asked. Even though Woodlawn mostly keeps to itself we're still familiar with each other. Eli was a hunter in his younger days. Nowadays he's a peaceful man whose focus is spent on passing down his knowledge. He also knows these woods better than anybody else.

“We heard about the rumors of a new monster and came to check things out.” I said. Eli cocked his chin back questioningly. I continued before he could speak. “But we found something else you need to see.”

We led Eli to the woman's body. He noticed the same things we did: stab wounds, no bite or claw marks. A murder took place. Back in the village Eli gathered all the people and we pointed out the bastard we saw in the woods the night before. Eli had some trusted people raid his house and found a bloody knife next to a lock of hair that looked a lot like that woman's hair. The digger, knowing that he was cornered, admitted to murder. Said something about she betrayed and broke his heart. Whatever. People shouldn't kill other people. But here we were with somebody who did just that. So now what to do?

Some wanted to kill him. Others wanted to tie him up in the woods and leave him for dead. I’m not much for killin’ people regardless of circumstance and I'm also against giving monsters a free meal. So I suggested he be cast into the wood, exiled from Woodlawn. Eli rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

“Our friend from Quarry has a good idea.” The elder said. “If he is worthy of living the woods will let him. Nature shall decide his fate.” And with that the murderer was sent off.

Me and Smythe were invited to stay the night. We were given a nice little shack in the middle of town equipped with two soft cots. Much better than camping on the ground. Good folk here. Glad they don’t get many real monster attacks. Be a shame to see good people hurt by mindless beasts. Well, except for that murderin’ creep. But Eli is right, he’ll get whatever he deserves out alone in them woods.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Grimey - Strange Digger

Smythe and me camping outside of Woodlawn tonight. Clyde stayed back, of course. Heaven forbid he bends some rules. Anyway, we spotted the usual beasts in the woods. Deadlings, nothing out of the ordinary. But since we got to Woodlawn we haven't seen a thing. That is until we spotted somebody sneakin’ outta town.

We followed him the lad. Something felt wrong about the situation. It's odd to see anybody leave a village after sundown, except for a hunter. But this guy didn’t carry a weapon. Lad only had a shovel! Smythe and I stayed low and quiet in the trees. We watched the man creep to a patch of dirt. Looked like it had been previously disturbed. Then the guy started digging. I figure it’s a good thing Smythe and I were there. If he was doing something wrong we’d see it and if a monster attacked we could save the lad.

Back in Quarry we got word that a woman had gone missing. Apparently she was killed by the new monster rumored to be in these woods. Smythe and I left immediately. That was a few days ago. Now that we're here there's no sign of a new monster and we're just watching this fool dig a hole.

A strange noise came from deeper in the woods. Sounded like a man trying to growl while gargling. Creepy, spooked out the digger. He stopped and hurried back toward Woodlawn. Smythe and I kept an eye on the fella until he reached the village then went looking for whatever made that sound. We couldn’t find nothin’.
Now that we’re settled for the night I been wondering what that guy was diggin’ up. I’ll take Smythe and check it out tomorrow. I've also been wondering about that sound. Never heard anything growl like that before. It was a low sound too. Means the beast has some size to it. We have some work to do.

The sky is clear tonight and every star is out. No moon though. It’s peaceful here. Very quiet. So quiet it seems even the air is resting. If anything is out there we’ll hear it. And once we know where to go it’s huntin’ time, and my axe is thirsty for a murderin’ monster.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Grimey - Rumors

Been hearing about some monster attacks down in Woodlawn. Small village south of here. Sometimes they send runners this way to ask for help. Me, Clyde, and Smythe usually go. From what I’m hearing I’m expecting a runner any day now. The gash in my shoulder from that damn Kingpin hunt is still healing but that won’t stop me if the call comes.

Rumor has it there’s a new monster down in Woodlawn. People been getting’ hurt real bad. Cuts and gashes, bites and bruises. But the monster is so clever that it hasn't been seen. Pretty good, I say, for a monster to sneak up and bite yer leg and not even be seen. Also this new monster walks upright like a person, not a common thing. It's smart at finding prey, has fangs, claws, those are normal. Horns, not so normal but some monsters got ‘em. Apparently the beast is strong and as large as a person. That's the rumor.

One thing is for sure though, it's not a normal thing for a new monster to show up. And if something new has arrived it’s a wonder nobody has gone missing yet. They got good hunters in Woodlawn but there's not many of them. Plus the village is so small it's pretty easy for beasts to sneak around the outskirts without being spotted. Any intelligent beast can stalk a villager for a long while before attacking. That’s why I’m surprised nobody gone missing yet. Well if it ain’t stopped there'll be a killing for sure. Makes me wonder why our town agreed not to help Woodlawn unless asked. Stupid agreement I say. If there's a monster out there to hunt, I say we hunt!

I think Smythe and I should go check it out. Make a helping offer. Clyde won’t come, he respects the agreement and won’t breach it. But Smythe, he don’t like beasts at all. Lad will go out of his way to hunt somethin’. Good man to have along. And hell, if a beast can stalk a village we should be able to go unseen too.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Leo - Hiking Foothills

It’s less than a one day voyage from our Southern Isle to the continent. On a clear day like today was the continent is visible on the horizon. Kane and I departed soon after dawn and landed a little after midday.

Our landing point is a small sandy beach surrounded by a light wood. The wood shields the beach from view giving it some privacy. We can leave our canoe here comfortable that nobody will spot it and get curious. A little ways through the woods is a path that leads east toward the foothills, the only manageable pass through the nearby mountain range. On the other side of the mountains is the small Foothill Village, which serves as our rest stop, and from there the continent is wide open for traveling. Kane and I secured our canoe to some trees and began our hike.

We reached the top of the mountain pass when the Sun began descending on the horizon. Mountains towered above us to the north and south. Their snow-capped peaks gleamed in the lowering sun. It's fascinating that the temperatures up that high are so cold but down here we sweat in the dusk. To the west the ocean, usually a brilliant blue but now turning a light purple, blankets the horizon. The shores of our Southern Island appear as a haze, almost an illusion. In the east Kane and I could easily spot the distant rocky-mountains where Quarry town lies. The sides of the mountains have been carved into revealing glistening white rock. Just ahead of us Foothill village lies on the hills below. Firelight danced in the streets and kitchen smoke rose from chimneys. Soon we'll be able to smell the aromas of supper upon the air. Kane and I wiped the sweat off our brows and continued on hopeful for a good meal.

We reached Foothill Village just after sunset. Kane and I greeted some familiar faces at the tavern-inn. A slow cooked beef brisket with gravy and vegetables was served for supper. It tasted especially good tonight and we washed it down with some very refreshing ale. After our meal Kane and I spent our time mingling with the town folk, which really meant he took a seat with a tankard of ale and I did the talking. Many asked what hunting expedition we are on.

“None.” I replied, “We’re heading to the archives of Thurn hoping to uncover a mystery of the seas.” I then told what we had witnessed at Northern Isle, I noticed Kane had another drink. Concern and horror swept the faces of the tavern-folk. None here know much about the sea. Not unexpected. One man, a hard-working farmer with a dirt-stained face, asked if the recent rumble may have something to do with it. They had felt the earth shake here a little but nobody felt the heated wind that ripped across Southern.

“I have no idea.” I said, “Hopefully some answers will be found at Thurn. Their records go back centuries and if this has happened before somebody must have written of it.” I hope as much, at least.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hunt: Kingpin

I was up at sunrise, as is my habit, and dawn was bright and colorful. Great day for a hunt and I felt ready to run down the Kingpin. But first breakfast! Don't want to go on a hunt on an empty stomach. Then, time to arm! I holstered my great-axe across my back, filled my belts with my newly made hatchets, strapped on my boots and headed to the edge of the wood by McGrady’s farm at the east side of town. Trees had purple dots all over them. More banshees there today than yesterday.

Clyde and Scully showed up a few moments later. Both were armed with bow and arrow and a set of daggers. I'm running in the woods, and they're support. Scully is to stay out of the woods and pick off any brave Banshees that want to make their way into town. Clyde will follow after me and give me some cover fire. It's a good tactic that's worked well in the past. I could run in there myself but having an archer at my back lessens the amount of scratches I get.

I surveyed the edge of the wood for a while looking for a good entry point. Found the biggest clump of purple and knew that was it. Run to where there are more Banshees and I'll find the Kingpin. I took a deep breath and ran in with a hatchet in hand. I darted through the trees following the crowds of Banshees. A few of them swirled around above me looking for an opening to dive at me. So I kept weaving around trees zig-zagging so the flying bastards can't get a good shot. One of them came from my left but crashed into the ground, an arrow sticking out of it. Good ole Clyde. I threw an occasional hatchet. Killing a banshee every now and then helps to spook the ones that are chasing me. Gets them off my back for a few moments. They eventually swarm up again and get back after me. Gotta keep on moving.

The woods were getting thicker. I hadn't seen a Banshee come down with an arrow in a while so I think Clyde lost track, which means Banshees were probably attacking him too. I stopped throwing my hatchets, didn't want to lose too many so I would wait for the purple fliers to swoop down at me and then I'd slash and hack them outta the air. Took out a handful that way while running through the trees.

Eventually the trees thinned out and the amount of Banshees thickened instead. I was on the right track. Came to a tree with so many Banshees on it it looked more like a dark purple cocoon. It was the Kingpins tree. Banshees covered it to shield their leader. Without slowing down one bit I threw a hatchet into the cocoon. Scared off the purple shield and sent all the Kingpins body-guards to flight. I could make out the Kingpin through the swarm of banshees. It was about my size and had bright green eyes that glared right at me. For some reason Kingpins have green eyes while Banshees have yellow eyes. Don't know why, don't much care.

I sprinted straight for the Kingpin with a hatchet in hand. The oversized flier flapped its wing to take off and I let my hatchet fly. Took off one of its wings. Sent the Kingpin crashing to the ground. I wasted no time. Drew my axe and bounded right on the bastard. Brought my blade down in an overhead arc splitting its head in two. No more Kingpin.

Usually that’s when the other banshees scatter so I relaxed a moment to take a breath. Big mistake. About ten o’ them oversized bats pounced on me. Their claws thrashed at my face, chest, back, and anywhere else they could get. I felt a sharp burning on my shoulder blade. One of them got me good. Pissed me off I tell ya! I swung my axe around and around, whirling it in the air letting the blade take out anything that came in contact with it. I didn't focus on anything in particular. If there was something purple flying around I kept my blade whirling. Killed all of them just in time to notice more of them bastards diving at me. Not wanting to get swarmed and scratched again I took off running. I had to run outta the woods faster than I ran in. Banshees chased me the whole way. Clyde must have been nearby because Banshees started to drop to the ground. When I got clear of the woods Scully was there with his bow ready. The extra arrows he shot was enough to spook the Banshees and sent them retreating back into the woods.

I got home quickly. Once the rush passes the pain kicks in and I knew I had a good-sized gash on my shoulder blade. I go to cleaning and mending my wounds. I'll get a balm from Marian later to help heal up the shoulder gash and keep it from scarring too badly. Very strange them banshees today. Not like them to attack so aggressively. Especially after taking out a Kingpin. Ah well, they’ve gone back into the woods now. The trees near McGrady’s are all green again.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Grimey - Another Kingpin

The banshees are definitely swarming again. I scouted the woods and found their numbers are increasing and now they're perching in the trees near McGrady's farm. Purple things look a little too comfortable like they're watching the town. There's another Kingpin in the woods for sure. That’s the only time they get organized and brave. I’ll need to head into the woods and track down the Kingpin. Once the beast is dead the rest of them banshees will scatter back into the woods in fear. Cowardly things.

You see every now and then a banshee leader is spawned. We call it a Kingpin. They're larger and ferocious. Your average banshee is about half my size. A Kingpin is a little larger than me. I once saw one twice my size. That sucker really got things buzzing. Anyway, the dangerous thing about a Kingpin isn't their size or aggression. They’re intelligent. They coordinate all the other banshees into organized attacks. Farms and livestock are picked at. Small groups of banshees attack one after the other. Things like that. More scary, Kingpins make the banshees brave enough to go after people straight away. Anybody wandering close to forest gets scratched up pretty bad. Banshees don’t scare so easily with Kingpins around either. So you gotta take out the Kingpin. It's the only way to get things under control.

The Kingpin dies as easily as the rest. Just a little intimidating if you’re a softie on account of their size. It's like a giant dark-purple bat that could rip a mans head off. But it's nothing. Just kill the thing before it takes flight. Most hunters have problems finding the Kingpin because it stays deep in the woods while all the banshees swarm and attack. The trick is simple though. Run into the woods and follow the banshees. The banshees protect the Kingpin so there’ll be more and more of them as you near it. Once found, put an axe in the Kingpin’s head. Or an arrow, or knife, or whatever weapon is handy. Hell, throw a rock at it even. Just keep running and don’t miss and you’ll get out without a scratch. It’s when you slow down the problems start. Can't let them banshees get a hold or they're scratch the hell outta ya and won't stop until you stop moving. Gotta keep running and hunt on the move. Good workout, I say.

I met with Clyde after scouting the woods to talk about the hunt. Scully will no doubt want to help. We'll keep him at the edge of the woods to cover McGrady's place. Smythe is out of town. Clyde thought about waiting for him to return in the next couple days. I see no reason to wait. Me and Clyde agreed to hunt down the Kingpin tomorrow. Kill the blasted thing before banshees start attacking town.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Leo - Northern Island Washed Away

I knew something was wrong when we got near the island. There was no welcoming party. There was no sign of anybody on the shore at all. Surely somebody should have spotted our canoe by now. What sent a chill down my spine was nothing was moving nor was there any smoke rising from fire pits, blacksmiths, or ovens.

We landed on the beach and immediately felt a difference in the sand. It wasn't the usual powdery consistency but felt thicker and almost damp. Two of the crew stayed with the canoe while Kane and I led the rest inland toward the center of the island. We sloshed our way through the jungle. I noticed that all the plants and trees were leaning south and some of the smaller trees were uprooted.

Our group emerged from the jungle to find the village destroyed. Shacks and houses had been completely swept away. Other than spots of rubble that littered the ground there was no sign the village had ever existed. There were no signs of civilization and so signs of life. Any life. We explored the village and found nobody. Our group split up and searched the island and still nothing. No person, no birds, no animals.

The day was growing late when Arlen, one of the crewmen, came running up to me and Kane with news of a body on the west side. Kane and I made our way west to the rocky crags that contain the mineral we trade for to find them flooded. What was once a natural depression filled with columns of jagged rocks that stood taller than the high ground had become a basin. Only black rocky peaks stuck out of the water. It looked like a lake with spikes.

Stuck against one of the larger rocks was a body floating face-down motionless. The skin looked pale and bloated. This man had drowned here. He was a Northern local but where was everybody else? Something terrible had obviously happened here. It seemed like the entire island had been flooded and battered by some great force. We found no survivors and no other bodies. Everything was gone.

By the time Kane and I returned to our canoe the sun was setting and our companions were ready to leave. We set sail back through the shallows and left Northern Island behind us. I hear murmurs from the crew about an island tomb and curses. I have a feeling many superstitions and fantastic stories will rise from their accounts. All those people...gone. The entire Northern civilization wiped away. I must figure out what happened here. I must travel back to the continent and visit the archives at Thurn. I may find some answers there. How could this happen so suddenly?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Grimey - Boiling Seas and Fiery Skies

The last thing I remember was my eyelids getting heavy and my mind drifting away. When I opened my eyes I was on a white sandy beach. Crystal blue water kissed my feet as the sand gently massaged my ankles. The sky was clear, the sun was bright and warm. Nice place I thought, a paradise for many but I'll take a mountain wood any day.

I looked around and saw nothing on the horizon ahead. Just an endless blue sea. I felt the water at my feet get warmer. Before I could move the sand got thick and clamped down on me. The water got even hotter and started to burn my feet. Something moved on the horizon and I spotted a face peering out of the water. Whatever it was it only rose high enough so its eyes broke the surface. Thing must have been miles out but I could see its eyes. Those green, narrow, and cunning eyes. It glared at me and I could tell it was laughing with a sneer. The water got hotter.

The sky above turned blood red and the sun began to burn with ferocity. Everything was getting hotter. The water begin to boil and and the air became like a furnace. Sweat poured out of me and I glance up to see the sun burst into a red ball of flame. It burned crimson and then opened to reveal a ruby-red eye. At the eye's center was a black, narrow slit. It looked like the kind of eye found on a cat or lizard or something like that, well except that it was red and wreathed in flame. It blinked and looked down at me. Flames shot out from the edge of the sun-eye thing and red rain began to fall from the sky. The rain was even hotter than the water and I felt the burning all over and around me. What the hell is going on, I thought.

There was a tug at my feet, next thing I knew I was swept into the boiling sea. Laughter echoed all around me and I was pulled into the darkness of the deep. The currents whirled violently and shook me every which way. The Laughter was deafening and pounded on my entire body. The world around me grew darker and even hotter. My limbs flailed wildly. I tried to scream but nothing happened. I was helpless and running out of breath.

My eyes shot open with a jolt. My body was covered in a cold sweat, which made things a bit cold. I took a moment to catch my breath and remember where I was. The air was cool, trees whispered in the breeze, and the skies were clear. I'm in the woods outside of Quarry. There's a faint glow on the horizon. Sunrise soon. No point in going back to sleep. What a dream. But I swear it actually felt like the ground had really been shaking.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Leo - Sailing North

It's been over a week since the rumble. Nothing has been out of the ordinary since then so life on Southern Isle carried on as usual. Kane and I spent a few days preparing to sail to Northern Isle for trade. The land on Northern contains a very unique mineral that we use in our blades. Something about the mineral makes steel extremely sharp and much more durable. Our blades can be thinner and lighter than traditional weapons giving an advantage in speed. The mineral was used to make my sword along with Kane's spear and short-sword. I also used the mineral in a select few arrows in case I need to penetrate an exceptionally thick hide. In return we trade lumber from our Oka trees. A very durable, yet flexible wood perfect for making bows, arrows, fishing poles, and just about anything else crafted from wood.

Kane and I along with a small crew set sail two days ago. The currents have been friendly, the skies have been clear, and now the Northern Isle is visible on the horizon. A small dome-shaped mountain covered in lush green jungle lies at the center of the island. At the west end of the island are small rocky crags that jet up from the ground. These crags contain the mineral we trade for.

We sail north passed the island so that we can turn and approach the north-east side of Northern where white-sand beaches line the shore. Until we reach the turning point our canoe keeps close to the main continent where the water is shallow. Giant eels pass our outrigger canoe from time to time but they're not aggressive or powerful enough to harm us. The danger is in the deep with the Krakes and if we're foolish enough to venture into the open ocean the Kraken will take anything it wishes. We navigate near the continent until we reach the channel of shallows that connects to Northern.

When we sailed far enough north to begin the turn toward Northern, which was clearly visible on the horizon, we noticed something about the continent. Part of it was missing. It looked as if a Kraken had swam ashore to bite and tear away the landscape. But these waters are too shallow for Krakens. Krakes are too small to do this kind of damage. An entire mountainside was missing. How? I wonder if the rumble had something to do with this...

We've found the channel of shallows and we're navigating toward Northern Island now. From here the shore seems peaceful and calm. It should be smooth sailing to the beach. The wind even shifted into our sails so we won't have to paddle until we're ready to run ashore. As we near the beach I should be able to spot the welcoming party. Northerners have a strict protocol to welcome incoming vessels. A small group will line the beach to signal where to run our outrigger ashore. We'll be greeted by the island chief who will then take us to the main village to relax and unwind from the voyage. There will be fresh fruit and some sort of spiced meat, usually a bird or fish, to welcome us to the island.

There was a movement in the water and I spotted black scales gleaming in the sunlight. A giant eel had swam up next to the canoe. It nudged one of the outriggers but the canoe is too stable to be bothered by that. The the eel's head breached the surface and displayed its razor-sharp teeth. Its eyes appeared narrow and it's mouth seemed to curl almost like it was smirking at us. It dove under and left. All the better. We'll be on land soon where it couldn't follow us anyway.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Grimey - Trading Some Ore

Met up with Clyde at the trade pavilion on the other side of town. He let his shaggy blonde hair go untied and fall down over his shoulders. He was bartering with another trader when I arrived. I watched Clyde sell the man a pair of traveling boots for a newly polished bow and full quiver of arrows. Clyde told the trader the boots were made from northern leathers where animal hides are thicker and more durable. Them boots will last for quite some time, Clyde told him. Poor lad, never knew he just gave up his bow for Clyde’s old worn out boots.

“Hope ya not givin' away my ore for any other flimsy weapon.” I said shaking Clyde’s hand. Better not have either, I been needing some more metal to make more hatchets.

“Of course not Grimey.” Clyde said, his voice calm. He reached into his bag and pulled out a canvas pack bundled and tied up. He set it down on the table with a loud clank, obviously being full of metal, “there you are fella. Some nice shining steel ready for the anvil. You got what I had asked for?”

Clyde wanted some small polished rocks in all kinds of shapes. Some shaped like castle towers, others shaped like horses, and a couple that looked like staffs wearing a crown. Clyde said they’re for some game played in the east that's gaining popularity in the region.

“Absolutely lad!” I said, “Can't nobody carve and shape a rock like I can, especially the small ones.” I put my small sack of rocks on the table next to the bundled steel. We gave each other a brief nod and picked up our items.

Clyde had no news to share from his last trip, said it was just was all business. Told him that Leo had passed through the other day. Also told him about Scully's run in with the Deadlings and the increasing numbers of banshees in the woods. Clyde got them narrow twitchy eyes he gets when concerned about something. He figured there must be another Kingpin stirring up all the banshees. I must agree with the lad.

Back home now and gonna start me a fire and hammer some more hatchets with that ore. I should get a couple dozen or so before using up all the metal. Can’t wait to throw ‘em at some beasties!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Leo - Rumble

The earth rumbled this morning. It’s happened before on occasion. The ground shakes, leaves and coconuts fall to the ground. On rare occasions a home falls over but our huts are light and easy to rebuild. People hardly get hurt when the earth rumbles, except when a coconut falls on an unfortunate victim. Makes for a really bad headache.

Something was different about this rumble though. There was an eerie stillness in the air when the ground stopped moving. Not a sound could be heard. No birds stirring in the trees, no bugs or other creatures rustling in the foliage, even the sea was still. It was as if the world had exhaled and was at the bottom of its breath bracing itself for the inhale. And when the earth took a breath again strange things happened.

The waters began to surge up onto shore. Whitewash covered the sands and reached the edge of the surrounding jungle. Then the waters receded far back into the sea. So far back that the shallow areas of the reef I often swim through were exposed. Then the water surged high onto the shore again and receded back. This continued for quite some time.

I've never seen the sea behave like this before and I started to worry if things would return to normal. I watched the waters surge and recede when I spotted something on ocean surface rapidly approaching the island. It was some sort of invisible force rippling across the waters surface. I still don't know what it was but when it hit the shore a gust of wind ripped through the island. I was knocked to the ground and the wind blew with such force I had to shield my eyes. My senses were completely blurred as the wind roared past like a battle-cry.

As quickly as it came, the mysterious force left. When I stood the sea was back to normal. Waves gently washed onto the beach and receded like always. Trees swayed in a soft breeze and birds flew overhead. I cannot recall ever hearing of such a phenomenon occurring after a rumble. It was very strange.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Leo - Back Home

Ahh there's nothing like a morning swim in the ocean to start the day. There is something about the ocean water that revitalizes the body and raises the spirit. A much needed therapy after a journey to the main continent. I come to the shore before dawn when the skies are dim and the seas are calm. I swim for about an hour while the faint glow on the horizon comes alight.

I waded into the shallows where the water is waist-high. The cold shot a chill throughout my body. Even in the dim light the waters are clear enough to see the sand below. I closed my eyes and listened to the gentle waves caress the shore and felt a soft breeze embrace my skin. I took a few more steps out and spotted a small school of fish heading toward the reef for a quick meal before sunrise. I dove under and began my swim.

Today I decided to swim through a trench in the reef and spotted a turtle nibbling at the coral. The turtle saw me but paid no mind. I wasn’t about to bother it and the turtle knew it as well. After a while I took a look at the horizon. The dim purple had become a soft orange. The sun would be rising soon so I turned and made my way back to shore.

As the sky grew brighter sea-life became more scarce. I didn't see anymore schools of fish on my way to shore. The turtle I spotted earlier had gone. I emerged from the water onto the white sands and I saw my shadow growing along the ground. Behind me, the sea come to life. The water began churning and the waves rose up and crashed upon the shore. The sun had risen. I hope that turtle had found shelter.

I turned to face the sea in time to see a black eel break the surface. Its black scales gleamed in the morning sun. The eel appeared to be around twenty feet long, perhaps as thick as my torso. A moderate size for a black eel. Further in the distance I saw a Krake treading water. The beasts eyes scanned the shallows for any small boats. Krakes tend to attack small vessels and eat whoever may be inside. Well not this morning, not any morning. Over the years we’ve learned to keep away from this side of the island and their kind. It let out a low growl that reverberated across the ocean's surface and disappeared in the deep waters.

With the sun now fully over the horizon I have taken a seat on the beach. The sky is rapidly becoming blue and the air is warming. Soon my back will be dry. It’s going to be a beautiful day. I'm glad to be back home.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Grimey - Familiar Faces

Good day at the quarry today bashing the rock apart. Grabbed me some nice fist-sized chunks of marble to take home and carve up for Clyde. Them rocks are perfect for my specialty. I’ll carve those figures Clyde was telling me about and get them all polished for the lad. He’ll like that for some ore. I need the ore to make some more hatchets.

After unloading the rocks at my cabin I headed to the pub at the center of town. Lo’ an’ behold Leo was there. Leo's one of the few sea-travelers. He comes from Southern Island, which is southwest from here. All the time he's spent on the water has colored his skin several shades darker. He stands at about shoulder-height to me. Long black hair, darker features than most. Good man that one. Comes around here during his travels to share some stories and do a little trading. Leo is, how would you say, very clear-spoken. When he wants to make a point he can get just about anybody to understand him no matter how many drinks have been flowing.

Leo was dressed in black. He had on a light linen shirt and heavy pants. Hearty looking boots on his feet told me he was set for traveling. A dagger in a black sheath with silver patterns that looked like winding vines was strapped to his belt. Lad was prepared for a rough road. Leo rarely shows off his weapons.

At the corner of the pub sat Leo's quiet companion, as always. That guy usually just sits alone with his drink. Large, muscular guy with dark features like Leo but short hair. Nobody bothers him. Besides, he don’t talk much so we get our stories from Leo.

I gave Leo a frosty pint and listened to his latest story. He and his large friend heard that banshee numbers have been rising around here so they sailed from Southern Island for a hunt. They've been in the nearby southern woods, probably close to Woodlawn Village. Apparently the two hunters spent a few days taking out an entire swarm of banshees. Impressive, but too bad they didn't track them to the eastern woods where the main population of banshees are. But hey, less monsters is always better.

Two things always strike me about Leo. First, he's very clean, which is very uncommon for these parts. His hair is kept straight and tied back and his skin doesn't have any dirt stains. Second, he has strange markings on him. Looks like he put black paint on his skin that never washes off. Makes me think he's trying to give himself fake scars. One of his fake scars runs along his left arm. It comes down from his sleeve and is curved like a blade with the point ending on at his wrist just below his thumb. There’s another one that comes up from his neck and curves along his face and ends at a point just below his right eye. He probably has more paintings but those are the only ones I’ve seen. And I bet his buddy has a few as well.

Leo and his friend came to Quarry to relax for the night before they head back to Southern Island tomorrow. Leo says it takes two days to make the trip. Not a bad hike if ya ask me.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Grimey - A Deadling Lesson

Went to go check on Scully. He's all right. Ankles are healing up well enough from his run-in with a pack of Deadlings the other day. Young lad tried to do McGrady a favor by going after some monsters on his own but got himself into trouble. Luckily I found him before things got serious. He got away with only a few cuts, nothing too deep. I decided to tell him a little story about them furry bastards.

Ya see, in my younger days my sister and I were going through the woods. We saw a Deadling and it gave Tessy them big 'ole eyes all cute-like. It looked friendly enough so she pet the critter. As soon as she got close it snapped and started scratching at her. It took some fight for me to get the bastard off of her. We both got scratched up pretty good. Good thing it was only the one Deadling. A pack would’ve killed us, we were just kids.

That's when it occurred to me. Them little Deadlings reel you in to attack you. They seem domesticated and if you've never seen one it’s easy to be fooled. They're deceiving things. If one of them gets a hold it's only a few minutes before others come along and join in. And watch out for the grown ones. They're not small and cute no more. They're chest-high on all fours with saggy, shaggy hair and breath rancid enough to melt your eyes. Grown Deadlings don't even try to lure their victims in, they just attack. Luckily the big ones aren't too quick so if you move better than a statue you'll be able to get away, otherwise it's good to have a large and sharp blade. Well, I prefer having a blade regardless but that's beside the point.

The point I was trying to get across to Scully was don't trust anything in the woods. I'm sure after the attack the lesson will stay with him. But I made a mistake. He asked about my sister and if fighting off that Deadling is how I got the scar across my eye. He asked what happened to Tessy because he's never seen her around, ever. I just told Scully, “my sis ain't around no more and the scar is another story. Just be careful in the woods. And don't trust anything out there.”

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Grimey - Saving Scully

McGrady came knocking this afternoon. He's a middle aged fella that's graying on top. Usually wears some raggedy dirt-stained denim outfit like he had on today. Lad works hard keeping up his ranch that extends from his house to the edge of the wood. It's just large enough sustain himself and market to some locals. He's got crops and some livestock, very simple.

Anyways, today the bags under McGrady's eyes were especially deep because the banshees have been giving him hell the past few weeks. Scully offered to help him out earlier. McGrady told me that the young hunter ventured into the woods and he's been gone ever since. I figured I'd go find him before he gets himself killed. After talking more with McGrady I learned that both Banshees and Deadlings have been attacking his ranch. Deadlings...damn furry critters.

Scully's a good tracker so I knew he'd be able to follow the small Deadling tracks from the ranch into the woods. Once McGrady left my cabin, I grabbed my axes and headed out. Didn't take long to find Scully. A little ways into the wood and I heard a commotion. I followed the noise and found a tall lanky lad flailing around, his long braided brown hair whipping around, with a crowd of critters surrounding him. Deadlings were at Scully's feet and they were trying to bring him down.

If you've never seen a Deadling they're cute as hell. Large ears, beady glossy eyes, fluffy fur, and their barks sound like friendly squeeky whimpers. Ya see, the damn ankle biters play friendly and when you let your guard down they bite. There's some sharp little teeth hiding behind those friendly whimpers. They're small things too so their bites are pretty damn irritating. One Deadling's a nuisance but if enough of them gather they can topple you over and bite the rest of ya. That's when they can take you apart.

Scully had Deadlings nipping at his heels and knees and he was losing his balance. His club and short blade just weren't doing the trick. I let a hatchet fly and took out a couple critters. I grabbed Scully and yanked him out of the deadly fur-ball. Then those fluffy ankle-biters came after me. It was axe time! A few swings sent the buggers running and left about a dozen dead.

Turns out Scully didn't kill any Deadlings, in fact he didn't even know what they were. He was following some tracks until he came across one. Thought it was so cute he went to pet it. And then it bit. Next thing, a whole flock was attacking him. Damn fool! Gotta know the monsters you're gonna be dealing with before ya go chasing after 'em. At the very least don't go petting things in the wild.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Grimey - Hunting Parties, Hah!

Finished work at the quarry. Some large stones we cut the other day needed moving so I got to be a mover. Hard work, but at least I got to take a few chunks of marble home. Really good stuff to work with. I even got to kill me a banshee while working on the mountain. Nailed the sucker with a throwing hatchet, which reminds me I’ll need some new hatchets soon.

Went to the pub at the center of town earlier tonight. Nothing better than kicking back a few after a day in the rock. Clyde was there, “ah there’s the Scot!” he said. He's the only lad who uses my real name. Clyde is one of Quarry's hunters and he's a trader. Travels around buying and selling, brings back some interesting things from time to time. I was glad to see him because he’s where I get the metal for my axes. There aren't any metals around our little town here so Clyde brings back ore when he travels. Supplies the blacksmith along with myself. I prefer to hammer out my own weapons instead of using the blacksmith. Clyde said he’d trade me some ore for some of my stonework. Not a problem!

Clyde mentioned some people he met on a recent trading trip that formed a hunting party. Basically they've chosen to dedicate all their time to hunting. I don't know about hunting parties. They leave their towns to go track down whatever beasts they can find in the wild. Not something I'm really interested in. You leave your town and then there's fewer hunters to defend your home. I’d rather watch out for my own home and folk than go wandering hills and woods. Besides, I belong in the mountain rocks. Clyde says the lads in this hunting party think they can actually rid the world of beasts. Hah! Wishful thinking, I say. The monsters always come back…always.

Speaking of, lately the banshees in the nearby woods have been getting more aggressive. They've been attacking more often, trying to take out the cattle like at McGrady's farm the other day. Them flying nuisances been stepping it up because they usually go for farm crops. Whenever they come by I'll kill a few and scare off the rest but they've been coming back every other day now. I'll be keeping an eye on the eastern woods. Hopefully it's only their aggression that has increased, not their numbers.

Late into the night Scully showed up at the pub, Quarry's youngest and newest hunter. Well, hunter in training I should say. He was asking about going on a solo raid in the woods. Advised the lad to think twice about that one. There's more than just Banshees in the woods. Scully hasn't done much more than help out with a few Banshee attacks. An ambitious lad that one, hungry to learn how to take out monsters. He'll be a fine hunter one day just as long as he don't get himself killed first.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Grimey - Good Morning

You know it’s going to be a busy day when the first thing you hear is a screaming cow. Them banshees were attacking again. Damn fliers are always a bother at dawn.  I scraped myself out of bed, and stretched to get the blood flowing. I took a moment to listen. I could hear the high-pitched cry that I never would’ve guessed a cow to make along with the flapping of wings. I knew I had to get out there soon.
I walked out of my bedroom and passed through the kitchen area. There’ll be time to eat later. I went straight to my workroom, a large open area where I keep my anvil, hammers, and axes, along with a variety of other things. I sometimes call this room the armory. I grabbed a belt laced with hatchets along with my battle axe that was mounted on the wall and headed outside. Sure enough, a swarm of banshees were circling the pastures across the way hassling the McGrady’s cattle.
I broke into a steady jog and made my way toward the swarm. The banshees, with their thin dark purple leathery skin, almost glowed in the dawning sunlight. Some people find the effect a bit eerie but I think it just makes them easier targets to hit. They like to fly into farmlands and pastures to steal crops and livestock. Banshees aren’t very big. They’re the size of an overgrown owl but with long narrow necks and heads. They got sharp claws and fangs but they’re not all that strong so they need to attack in swarms. Timid things, they scare easily.
Three banshees swarmed around a single cow. The fliers were clawing at it and I could see a trickle of red along the cow’s side. I hopped the fence into McGrady’s pasture and threw a hatched at the banshee on top of the cows back. Nailed the bastard right before he took a bite. The other two banshees scattered. I let a few more hatchets fly and took out two more before the whole swarm scattered away.
These little fliers are more a nuisance than anything. Never do much harm either, except for stealing crops and waking me up from bed. Although for small farms like McGrady’s, who needs every crop and animal to get by, banshee swarms can be a problem. Good thing I live nearby.
I made my way back to my cabin, thought about lying back down in bed but reconsidered. The sun had already risen and there’s a lot of work to be done at the quarry. It’s best to get started there before the sun rises too high. Besides, hunting makes me hungry and it’s time for breakfast.